TO SELL 1 Created on July 22, 2023 By good read TO SELL 1 / 3 Тэр хэдэн жилийн өмнө загварлаг спорт гутлыг энэ дэлгүүрт зардаг байсан даа. She used selling stylish sport boots in this shop some years ago. She was to selling stylish sport boots in this shop some years ago. She used to sell stylish sport boots in this shop some years ago. She was selling stylish sport boots in this shop some years ago. She sold stylish sport boots in this shop some years ago. 2 / 3 Тэд яагаад энэ өвөл цахилгаан бараа зарахгүй байгаа юм бэ? Why aren’t they selling electric goods this winter? Why don’t they sell electric goods this winter? Why they don’t sold electric goods this winter? Why they not selling electric goods this winter? Why haven’t they sold electric goods this winter? 3 / 3 Тэр фермер гурвалжин будаагаа бөөний үнээр хэзээ зарах юм бол? When that farmer sells his buckwheat by wholesale prices? When will that farmer sell his buckwheat by wholesale prices? When will that farmer sells his buckwheat by wholesale prices? When that farmer will sell his buckwheat by wholesale prices? When is that farmer selling his buckwheat by wholesale prices? Your score is The average score is 100% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz